Ulfred Chan (Undar Beyond)

Ulfred (previously Undar), is a boy passionate in challenging himself into breaking his own comfort zone. When he was F2, he pursued for a happy life, but he changed his pursuit 1 year later when he was F3 and started pursuing a diverse, unique and extraordinary life, and broke his comfort zone by trying many extremes multiple times. Since F1, he has many diverse life achievements ranging from academics to extreme challenges, to coding projects, to music. In 2023, he created this website, Undarfly Universe, to document all his major and minor life stories.

Academic Achievements and Work Experiences

A brief view on my test results, grades and work experiences.


Chinese: 3
Reading: 3
Writing: 3
Listening and Integration: 2
English: 4
Reading: 5
Writing: 4
Listening and Integration: 4
Speaking: 5**
Mathematics (Core): 5**
M2: 5
Liberal Studies: 4
Physics: 5*
Chemistry: 5
ICT: 5*
Best 5: 29 (Old), 33.5 (New)


CCST9003 -
Everyday Computing and the Internet: A+
ENGG1310 -
Electricity and electronics: A+
ENGG1330 -
Computer programming I: A
MATH1853 -
Linear algebra, probability and statistics: A
CAES1000 -
Core University English: A-
CCST9043 -
Time’s Arrow: A
ENGG1300 -
Fundamental mechanics: A+
ENGG1320 -
Engineers in the modern world: A
ENGG1340 -
Computer programming II: A
MATH1851 -
Calculus and ordinary differential equations: A
CCCH9045 -
‘Superpower’: Engaging with the Global Implications of China’s Rise: A+
COMP2119 -
Introduction to data structures and algorithms: A
COMP2121 -
Discrete mathematics: A+
MATH2012 -
Fundamental concepts of mathematics: A-
MATH2101 -
Linear algebra I: B
MATH2211 -
Multivariable calculus: A+
COMP2120 -
Computer organization: A
COMP2396 -
Object-oriented programming and Java: A
COMP3252 -
Algorithm design and analysis: A+
COMP3270 -
Artificial intelligence: A
COMP3278 -
Introduction to database management systems: A
COMP3314 -
Machine learning: A
CCHU9052 -
The Best Things in Life: A Philosophical Exploration: A
CCHU9060 -
Games: Play, Learning and Society: A
CENG9001 -
Practical Chinese for Engineering Students: A-
COMP3258 -
Functional programming: A
COMP3357 -
Cryptography: A+
MATH3603 -
Probability theory: A-
Latest CGPA: 4.01


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